Hier geht's zur deutschen Version dieses Posts (folgt noch) I found the Spiced Apple Cream Cheese Coffee Cake , October project of the ABC-Bakers , very intriguing. Topped with apples, sautéed in butter with cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg - that sounds delicious! A coffee cake is a bit of a strange concept for a German - aren't all cakes meant to be enjoyed with coffee? And what is a non-coffee cake? To gain more insight, I checked Wikipedia : A one layer bundt coffee cake: Red Wine Cake "Coffee cake is a common cake or sweet bread.....it is generally intended to be eaten with coffee or tea..... ". Hm! I can't really say I see any sense in singling out some cakes as suitable pairing for coffee or tea, and others - pies, tortes, bars? - are not. But wait - here's more: "They are typically single layer cakes.....square, round or ring shaped.... flavored with cinnamon or other spices, nuts, and fruits. These cakes sometimes have a crumb t...